Author Archives: Baconator

Breaking Bacon “Un-Bacon” News!

Pound O Bacon Friday was saved!!! Welllll, kinda.  Luckily, while in Las Vegas I was able to find a great deli.  And even luckilier, they had a delicious open faced Reuben sandwich.  AND the luckilierest thing of all……. It had a full pound of corned beef!!!  OH YEAH BABY. The pics are amazing! Continue reading

POBFB Temporarily Postponed

ОСТОРОЖНО!!!!  Unfortunately because of circumstances within my control Pound O Bacon Friday has been postponed this week.  However, have fear, because it will be back next Friday stronger than ever.

Hmmm, I wonder if I should make up this Friday by eating 2lbs of bacon next Friday.  Let me know what you think in the comments.

Long live POBFB!!!

P.S.  Pizza Saturday also has a similar update

P.P.S. To help make it up to you here is a funny lil video: Continue reading

Bacon Bacon Bacon and Beyond

This weeks “Pound O Bacon Friday” was pretty good.  It’s amazing how you can never get tired of eating bacon.  Even saying bacon is fun.  BACON.  See?  Anyways, this week I decided to mix it up a bit and combined my salad and steak appetizer into a steak salad.  It was delicious.  Especially since the steak was elk back strap.  ARRLLLL.

Oh, and the pint of cookie dough ice cream was also soooo good.  I washed it down with a red bull.  mmmmm