Bacon Philanthropy

Bacon Disclaimer: Don’t go thinking I’m gonna be getting all namby pamby tree huggerish on ya. This is just an observation and should not be taken out of character.  Now go pick up something heavy and eat some bacon!  🙂

Just a quick post about something that happened while shopping tonight.

Anyway, I took my normal trip to the store tonight, after working out, for all the goodies: Rockstars, Ice cream, Candy, etc etc… And when I walked up to the store a student from a local high school handed me a list of items they were collecting for a food drive.

At first I thought, Oh geez, here we go. But, then I thought, This students got some balls to be out there doing this and probably getting rejected left and right.

So as I walked in the store I started thinking about my glutinous Pound O Bacon Friday and that some people don’t have the glorious opportunity to eat a pound of bacon every week….or ever.

That led to a mini shopping spree; Everything from sugar to flour to canned everything and of course tuna cuz people should have lotso proteins. (Yes I said proteins because people need more than one. DUH!)

Just thought I’d share that and say, next time you’re out shopping and are asked to donate some foods, think about the fact that you are “going shopping” because you can. Not everyone gets a chance to “go shopping”.

Ok, that is all. I’m off the soap box and I’m also going to go shoot some guns and eat some bacon and if I were drinking I’d have a PBR or Schlitz to wash it down. Then I’d chop down a tree.

Baconator out