Bacon, The Next Super Food

Yes, I said bacon the super food.  You’ll see as you read.

Bacon nutrition isn’t something you should take lightly.  if you’re going to eat nutritious delicious bacon, you’ll need to know a few things first.  There are a few simple ways to enhance the nutritionability of said bacon.

Baking Bacon:
Why bake it??  We all know “fried” food is bad for us.   In general, baking things decreases the amount of fat, cholesterol, etc. Baking bacon will bring out the natural flavors.  So it just makes sense that baked bacon is better.  For example, fried chicken is bad, but baked chicken is ok.  However, baked chicken isn’t quite as delicious as fried.  Bacon on the other hand retains the same amount of hearty deliciousness whether it’s fried or baked.  Sweet as!

Add Garlic to Bacon:
Garlic in bacon is not only delicious, but I think the benefits of garlic are amplified by the bacony deliciousness.  So if the effects are amplified, then you are amplifying the amplification of the amplified garlic.  Garlic becomes a super duper super food with bacon.  I mean, come on.  Look at the list below.  Amazing.  However, I’m not saying this list is the shiznit or anything like that.  I mean really, come on now.  It looks good and some people say the following, but I am not saying the following, I am just very good at copy/paste for short lists of benefits that come from random places that have no medical affiliations.

  • Protect Your Heart
  • Reduce Inflammation in Your Body
  • Prevent Cancer
  • Fight Infectious Diseases
  • Prevent Weight Gain

Add Crushed Red Pepper to Bacon:
Bacon also makes the wondrousness of capsaicin in red pepper even more wonderfuller.  The red peppered bacon has a nice little spiciness too it that is unparalleled in any other bacon you’ve ever had.  Red pepper has many health benefits.  And since the red pepper effects are amplified…. well, you get it.  Some of the benefits of red pepper may include but are not limited to the following which have not been verified or approved by any medical doctors or organizations or anyone but some places I found online that mentioned it.

  • Fight Cancer
  • Provide Pain Relief
  • Prevent Sinusitis and Relieve Congestion
  • Fight Inflammation
  • Soothe Intestinal Diseases
  • Burn Fat and Lose Weight
  • Protect Your Heart

So as you can see, its obvious that bacon is one of the overlooked superfoods and needs it’s day in the sun (or oven as it were).

The statements above have not been evaluated by any medical professionals, or anyone for that matter.  It’s just a bunch of random crap that I pulled out of my arse.  You should never believe anything you read on the interwebs.

P.S.  Be sure to wash your hands.