Category Archives: I Love Bacon

Bacon Friday Jalapeno Poppers

It was another delicious Friday containing a pound of bacon in the form of wrapped jalapenos.  Also, it will become blatently obvious as you read further that I don’t follow any recipes normally.  I just throw stuff together.  Hmm, I’ll try to actually document my bacon recipes better.

First I started with what I thought would be spicy jalapenos…. NOT!

Since I figured they wouldn’t be spicy, I slightly pureed the innards.

Then I also slightly powderized a hearty amount of crushed red pepper and combined it with the jalapeno innards and cream cheese.

Stuffed em…

Wrapped em….

Cooked at around 450F for 23 min 45 sec.  (Not sure on the exact temp., and I just pressed 2345 on my timer cuz it was easy.)  I also broiled them for about 5 min 55 sec at the end to brown up the tops nicely.

Pound O Bacon Friday Before & After Video

Comments Welcome.  Everyone thinks being fit requires a strict diet.  I say WHATEVER.  That’s too much work.  People think that it’s impossible to be fit when you eat a pound of bacon and everything else I eat on a weekly basis.  Well, it’s not.  Hopefully this video will prove that.  It’s not about what you eat once in a while.

Let me know if you’re curious about what I do to maintain my fitness levels and everything.  I am NOT into things lik P90x or crossfit or whatever.  That s#!t is waaaay to difficult.  Plus, I don’t like cardio and I don’t like to sweat when I workout! Feel free to comment.

Bacon, The Next Super Food

Yes, I said bacon the super food.  You’ll see as you read.

Bacon nutrition isn’t something you should take lightly.  if you’re going to eat nutritious delicious bacon, you’ll need to know a few things first.  There are a few simple ways to enhance the nutritionability of said bacon.

Baking Bacon:
Why bake it??  We all know “fried” food is bad for us.   In general, Continue reading

Breaking Bacon “Un-Bacon” News!

Pound O Bacon Friday was saved!!! Welllll, kinda.  Luckily, while in Las Vegas I was able to find a great deli.  And even luckilier, they had a delicious open faced Reuben sandwich.  AND the luckilierest thing of all……. It had a full pound of corned beef!!!  OH YEAH BABY. The pics are amazing! Continue reading

POBFB Temporarily Postponed

ОСТОРОЖНО!!!!  Unfortunately because of circumstances within my control Pound O Bacon Friday has been postponed this week.  However, have fear, because it will be back next Friday stronger than ever.

Hmmm, I wonder if I should make up this Friday by eating 2lbs of bacon next Friday.  Let me know what you think in the comments.

Long live POBFB!!!

P.S.  Pizza Saturday also has a similar update

P.P.S. To help make it up to you here is a funny lil video: Continue reading

Bacon Bacon Bacon and Beyond

This weeks “Pound O Bacon Friday” was pretty good.  It’s amazing how you can never get tired of eating bacon.  Even saying bacon is fun.  BACON.  See?  Anyways, this week I decided to mix it up a bit and combined my salad and steak appetizer into a steak salad.  It was delicious.  Especially since the steak was elk back strap.  ARRLLLL.

Oh, and the pint of cookie dough ice cream was also soooo good.  I washed it down with a red bull.  mmmmm